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I gave a talk about our recent robotics work on UIUC CV Group Seminar!

​I gave a talk on UC Berkeley Control Seminal about our recent work on robotics!

Two papers got accepted by Neurips 2024!

​Three papers got accepted by CORL 2024! RoVi-Aug is accepted as an Oral Paper :) 

Two papers got accepted by ECCV2024!

​Our RTX got ICRA 2024 best paper, best student paper and best manipulation paper!

​Two papers got accepted by RSS 2024!

I got Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship! Thanks Qualcomm!

​One paper got accepted by CVPR 2024. See you at Seattle :) 

Got one paper accepted by ICLR 2024

​Our StreamDiffusion is released! It is very cool, try it!

RT-X releases! Congratulations!

I gave a talk on ICCV2023 CV4Metaverse workshop about NeRF-Det!

I gave a talk to introduce AI to village teenagers in China in UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)

I gave a talk to Paper-Listening about our work NeRF-Det.

Nice, got three papers accepted by ICCV 2023 and one by RA-Letter. Check my project page : ) 

Invited to talk in NVIDIA Research about AV perception. 04/28/2023

Invited to talk in ICLR workshop about "Time will tell". 05/05/2023

Invited to talk in Berkeley DeepDrive about AV perception. 03/28/2023

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